Why HERBAL iced tea?
It’s no secret that sipping a nourishing herbal infusion daily is one of the best ways to support wellness. By steeping your loose leaf herbal blend for 20+ minutes, you’re allowing all of the nutrients to release from the plant matter into your tea. The result not only tastes good, it also feels good, too! When your daily drink is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, you’re doing your long-term health a major favor. And it’s at all complicated!
But of course, many of us turn to toasty teas in the Fall and Winter, when we want to warm and nourish from the inside out. But, that doesn’t mean we need to abandon our infusions come summertime! When our activity level and the heat kicks up, our bodies need nutrients and electrolytes more than ever. Hellllllo, ICED herbal tea!
The easiest, TASTIEST herbal iced tea recipe!
Before you worry that making iced tea from loose leaf herbs is too much work, think again. It’s quick, easy, and HOLY SMOKES delish. Our recipe suggests that you make it in 1/2 gallon quantities because trust me, you’ll drink it! (Probably all of it, so apologize ahead of time to partners and children for us.) My partner and I drank a whole half-gallon of our iced Unwind tea blend this very morning. We just. couldn’t. STOP! Okay, without further ado: our iced herbal tea recipe.
1/2 Gallon Jar (we reuse our honey jars!)
1 cup loose leaf tea (any Town Farm Tonics blend will do! We especially love iced Nourish, Revive, and Unwind.)
6 tablespoons honey (make it local + raw for the health benefits!)
3 tablespoons lemon juice (you can leave this out if you don’t want a tangy flavor)
Add one cup of your loose leaf tea blend of choice to your 1/2 gallon jar or jug. Fill with hot (just boiled) water. Stir herbs, and then stir in honey to taste. Close the lid of your jar. (If using a jug, sit a plate on top to trap heat.) After 30 min. pour the tea through a strainer into a pitcher. Add lemon. Refrigerate until cool. Pour over ice + enjoy in the sunshine! We HIGHLY suggest a sprig of fresh mint for garnish, and an extra jug of iced tea as back-up when your cookout guests go crazy for this stuff 😉
Our favorite herbal iced tea…
Wondering where to start? EASY. Grab yourself a bag of our Revive blend, and make this recipe. OH. MY. GOODNESS. It’s basically an energizing, delish herbal lemonade. Talk about refreshing! It’s literally the best thing you could possibly sip from June to September… you’re welcome.